fairytale spinning An ancient spinning technique and fun to learn. The quill spindle replaces the flyer on Ashford Traditional, Traveller and Elizabeth spinning wheels. Pulleys at either end make it suitable for both single and double drive wheels. Because there is no orifice or hooks restricting the way the yarn winds on, spinners who enjoy novelty yarns may also find the spindle a useful new accessory. technical Fits: Traditional SD & DD, Traveller SD & DD, Elizabeth & Elizabeth 2 Ratios: Ashford Traditional (13.5, 17.5, 21.5), Ashford Traveller (10.5, 14.5, 17.5), Ashford Elizabeth (14.5, 19.0, 23.5) Quill: Stainless steel tapered to a sharp point
Product Code: ASHT38