WHAT'S NEW? - January 2025
New Easy Weave Rigid Heddle Scarf Kits
New Shuttle Race for the Ashford Table Loom
New felting packs: Owl and Halloween Decorations
New wool multi-pack colours: Tuscany and Neutrals.
Ashford Ball Winder and electronic e-Ball Winder
New design SampleIt Variable Loom Stand
New design Rigid Heddle Variable Loom Stand
New Zealand creatures needle felting kits
Two new Corriedale and Merino colours - Coral and Slate
Five new Silk Merino colours - Citrus, Avocado, Berries, Skyscape and Flamingo
Five new Nuno Felting Scarf Kit colours
YOGA Weaving Yarn
Jack Looms
Inkle Looms
If you've inherited an Ashford spinning wheel, try these upgrades to make the most of your spinning experience. A Maintenance Kit contains all you need to replace worn flyer hooks, springs, brake-bands etc. To make treadling easier, replace an old drive band with a polycord Turbo Kit. For a larger capacity bobbin, add a Sliding Hook Flyer. And to make plying easier, this Lazy Kate has a tensioning system that stops bobbins over-winding and accommodates all sizes of Ashford Bobbin.
If you're wondering where to begin, this book will guide you in the wonderful art of making yarn. The Ashford Book of Hand Spinning by Jo Reeve with 116 pages of full colour step-by-step photos.
Try Wet Felting
Play with felting wool, water and soap to make felt food, felted pictures, toys & decorations. Fun for all ages from preschoolers up.
Learn Needle Felting
Older children may enjoy the absorbing craft of making almost anything you can imagine with a little wool and a felting needle.
Start Spinning Yarn
Introduce kids to the thrill of spinning their own yarn on an easy-to-use student drop spindle.
Weaving for Kids
A simple-to-use wooden frame is a great way for children to weave their own picture or rug.